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The Parent IEP Lab

Nov 21, 2023

Does the eligibility category matter?

My knee-jerk reaction is "NO!" BUT...there are several reasons why it can sometimes relate to what services and supports your child receives. 

Listen to this episode if you have an iniital eligibility meeting or a re-evaluation meeting coming up!


New Course! If...

Nov 14, 2023

Ever wonder what these "dyslexia schools" are all about? How do you find one? Get into one? How much do they cost? And will your current district pay for them?

Today our guest, Lisa Parnello of Parnello education, has all the answers for us (including outside placements that aren't for dyslexia challenges, too!)


Nov 7, 2023

Are you stairing at your child's progress reports and wondering what the heck is happening and trying to figure out if they are actually making progress?

Tume into this episode to get a behind the scenes peek at progress reports and some common challenges.... well as a discussion on HOW to fix those progress...